Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stunning Portraits

Alter Your Perspective: Change the angle you are shooting. Shoot from above looking down, or shoot from the ground looking up. It will create interest in the photo.

Play with eye contact: Change the way someone is looking in the photo instead of looking at the lens. Have the subject look away and look some place outside of the frame. You can also have the subject look at something in the frame and have the focus be the person and what the person is looking at.

Break rules of composition: You can break some rules of composition very easily. One of the rules you can easily break it the rule of thirds. You can also break the rule of giving your subject room to look into.

Experiment with lighting: You can change the way you introduce lighting into your portrait. You can have side lighting which can create a mood. You can also use slow synch flash that freezes lighting and gives a wow factor.

Focus on a body part - get up close: You need to get up close and focus on one body part. Focus on something specific like eyes, nose, mouth, hands, lower body.

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